
If your development requires planning permission then the introduction on mandatory biodiversity net gain WILL have an impact on your project. The BNG Hub provides a complete end to end service. From explaining the new legislation and conducting baseline assessments, to providing offsite biodiversity units and producing management plans, we will partner with you through the process.

BNG Advisory Service

We know that mandatory BNG can be tough to get your head around and it throws up a lot of questions. We’re here to help you understand the legislation and the impact it may have both financially and environmentally on your project.
Our team of biodiversity net gain specialists, ecologists and land management professionals will work with you to produce a bespoke plan to address your biodiversity net gain needs, whether that be assessing the potential of your site or proposing designs to achieve 10% net gain on-site.

BNG Assessments

Our ecologists can assist with assessing biodiversity on your site. We will conduct pre-development surveys to produce a baseline report. The findings will then be assessed, and by using the latest DEFRA BNG metric, the team will calculate the percentage change for biodiversity units from pre to post development.  In cases where the 10% BNG requirement is not being met, we can offer support on how the shortfall can be achieved, both onsite and offsite.
In addition to BNG assessments to satisfy planning applications, we can provide desk based assessments to inform potential land purchases and the associated biodiversity net gain costs and opportunities.

BNG Plans

Should you planning application be subject to mandatory BNG, a biodiversity gain plan needs to be submitted. Our specialists can work with you to develop a suitable plan, ensuring all BNG considerations are addressed, for approval by the local planning authority.
Once biodiversity units are secured, a management and monitoring plan needs to be in place. This should cover a minimum of 30 years and identify how the habitats created and/or enhanced both on and offsite will be monitored and managed over this period.
Through working with Wildscapes CIC and the Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust, our team have a wealth of experience in both the creation of biodiversity management and monitoring plans, as well as the implementation of these plans. We can help, whether you require a review and second opinion of an existing plan, or you’d like to discuss a full design and implementation service.

Implementation & Monitoring

Any management and monitoring plan will need to be implemented and carried out by a suitable professional for at least 30 years. Our team can be contracted to provide this requirement as a standalone service or as part of a wider biodiversity net gain package.
With over 25 years’ experience in habitat management and environmental conservation techniques across a variety of green spaces, the team at Wildscapes CIC cater for a wide range of land management needs in both urban and rural areas, ranging from large multi-site projects to smaller individual pieces of work. Offering a range of services including habitat creation, woodland management, natural flood management, soft landscaping and site maintenance, the team are well versed in the implementation of biodiversity management plans and the subsequent necessary monitoring.

Offsite BNG and Biodiversity Units

Where it is not possible to achieve 10% BNG onsite, developers will be able to create or enhance habitats off site in order to meet the requirement. As part of the establishment of the new “compliance market” under the Environment Act, biodiversity units can be purchased through the BNG Hub, providing developers and investors with a robust and cost effective method of delivering off-site net gain in a single purchase.

We will then manage and monitor the BNG over a minimum 30 year period in order to ensure delivery of 10% net gain for each planning application. All monitoring costs are included in the biodiversity units purchased. We will also report to the local planning authority and biodiversity gain site register as required.

Landowner Opportunities

The BNG Hub has a number of sites already established and available to deliver biodiversity units but we are always keen to hear from landowners interested in supporting nature’s recovery and establishing a diversified income stream for their land.

We work with landowners to enhance their land, and where appropriate, facilitate the sale of biodiversity units between landowners and developers. We’re committed to reversing the losses made through development and making biodiversity net gain work for wildlife, whilst supporting our clients and partners to deliver successful and profitable projects.

If you’re interested in diversifying your land and generating an additional income, or if you’re passionate about nature recovery and want to support wildlife, speak to our team who can guide you through the options that may be available.

Education, Training & Community Engagement

With considerable expertise in the application of biodiversity net gain we offer training, support and workshops to businesses, developers and local stakeholders on a range of topics, from survey techniques to the effects mandatory BNG will have on developments. We also work with local nature partnerships to assist in the creation and implementation of their biodiversity net gain systems and procedures.

Get In touch

If you’re looking to learn more about biodiversity net gain or would like support in developing your approach to this new requirement, please get in touch with our knowledgeable team who will be happy to assist.

The BNG Hub can provide a full end to end biodiversity net gain package, or just any individual service listed. Contact the team to discuss your requirements and we’ll provide a proposal and/or recommendations to meet your needs.

0114 303 5123

Address The BNG Hub, Wildscapes CIC, 37 Stafford Road, Sheffield, S2 2SF


For more information on all the ecological, land management and conservation services provided by Wildscapes CIC, visit the main  company website here.